
∥ 張國恩教授 ∥ 宋曜廷教授 ∥ 劉子鍵教授 ∥


  • Gi-Zen Liu.*,&& Tzu-Chien Liu. Chih-Chung Lin., Gao, Y., Yu-Ling Kuo.,Gwo-Jen Hwang., &(2016). Identifying learning features and models for context-aware ubiquitous learning with phenomenological research methodInt. J. Mobile Learning and Organisation, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2016 
  • Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E., & & Liu, T. C.* (2016). The effects of integrating mobile devices with teaching and learning on students’ learning performance: A meta-analysis and research synthesis. Computers & Education, 94, 252-275. (SSCI) (2015 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 2.881 ) 
  • Kalyuga, S., & Liu, T. C.* . Managing Cognitive Load in Technology-Based Learning Environments. Educational Technology & Society. (SSCI) (2015 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 1.104 ) 
  • Hsu, Y. L., Gao, Y., Liu, T. C.*, & Sweller, J.. Interactions between levels of instructional detail and expertise when learning with computer simulations. Educational Technology & Society. (SSCI) (2015 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 1.104) 
  • Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E., & Liu, T. C. (2016). The effects of integrating mobile devices with teaching and learning on students’ learning performance: A meta-analysis and research synthesis. Computers & Education, 94, 252–275. (2015 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 2.881) 
  • Liu, T. C., Lin, Y. C., Gao, Y., Yeh, S. C., & Kalyuga, S. (2015). Does the redundancy effect exist in electronic slideshow assisted lecturing? Computers & Education, 88, 303-314. (SSCI) (2014 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 2.881) 
  • Lin, Y. C., Liu, T. C.*, & Sweller, J. (2015). Improving the frame design of computer simulations for learning: Determining the primacy of the isolated elements or the transient information effects. Computers & Education, 88, 280-291. (SSCI) (2015 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 2.881) 
  • Gao, Y., Liu, T. C.*, & Paas, F. (in press). Effects of Mode of Target Task Selection on Learning about Plants in a Mobile Learning Environment: Effortful Manual Selection versus Effortless QR-code Selection. Journal of Educational Psychology. (SSCI) (2014 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 3.256) 
  • Liu, T. C., Lin, Y. C., & Paas, F. (2014). Effects of prior knowledge on learning from different compositions of representations in a mobile learning environment. Computers & Education. (SSCI)  (2014 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 2.556)
  • Liu, T. C., Fan, M. H.-M., & Paas, F. (2014). Effects of digital dictionary format on incidental acquisition of spelling knowledge and cognitive load during second language learning: Click-on versus key-in dictionaries. Computers & Education. (SSCI)  (2014 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 2.556). doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2013.08.001(SSCI)
  • Lai, M.-L., Tsai, M.-J., Yang, F.-Y., Hsu, C.-Y., Liu, T.-C., Lee, W.-Y., Lee, M.-H., Chiou, G.-L., Liang, J.-C., & Tsai, C.-C. (2013). A review of using eye-tracking technology in exploring learning from 2000 to 2012. Educational Research Review. (SSCI)  (2013 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 3.107)
  • Liu, T. C.*, Lin, Y. C., & Paas, F. (2013). Effects of cues and real objects on learning in a mobile device supported environment. British Journal of Educational Technology. (SSCI) (2013 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 1.394)


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